Monday, October 21, 2013

200 roses confirmed my decision

In May 2008, I was granted an interview at the IHM Motherhouse in Southeastern Michigan (Editor’s note: A community of Catholic nuns; IHM stands for “Immaculate Heart of Mary”), for a position as the Administrative Assistant to the President of the Community, Sister Mary Fran Gilleran.  The interview went well.

Let me pause here and mention a bit about my prayer background.  I am Catholic, and I have a favorite saint, Therese of Lisieux, “The Little Flower”.  When people pray to Therese for an intervention, a common way that she sends confirmation of having heard the prayer is that a rose appears. The rose often appears in an unmistakably coincidental place or time that adds to the feeling of the design of the moment.  When a rose confirms that my prayer has been heard, I have a peacefulness within my spirit, so to speak.  I feel OK.  It releases that element of doubt that I had.  It gives me that light at the end of the tunnel.  It makes me feel good that it’s an answer.

Now back to the story of the job.

The 200 roses that appeared on one day in Ann's yard in May 2008, confirming her job choice

I was called back for a second interview, and after that,

(Read the rest of this story at WTNESS.ORG)

- Ann from Monroe, Michigan