Sunday, December 2, 2012

Turned to just the right hymn

Not long after the posting of Oct. 23, in which I felt led to “Take [more] care of the needs of others”, I was attending church at St. Columban in Birmingham, Michigan.  Our church music director Bob asked us to turn to page 628 in our Gather hymnal.  I grabbed the book and opened to a random page, and was surprised to find that it was page 628.  When something that unlikely happens, especially in church, I tend to pay attention.  I feel that the Holy Spirit may be trying to get me to notice something. 
Micheal Joncas

The hymn was “No Greater Love” by Michael Joncas.  The lyrics start with these words:

There is no greater love says the Lord
Than to lay down your life for a friend

It seemed to me that it was a reinforcement of the message I reported here on Oct. 23:  Set my own needs aside, and look out for others more than I currently do.

(Read the rest of the story on