Wednesday, May 30, 2012

From Pain to Healing thanks to God's Forgiveness

The following story was written by Tracy, from Connecticut in the United States.  It was forwarded by Mike Stack, a pro-life organizer and a friend of mine. His wife works at the same hospital as my wife, and his daughter babysat our children when they were young.

Within a year of my parents' divorce, when I was sixteen, I left home to avoid the mounting responsibilities of being the oldest of five children. Against my mother's protests, I moved in with a man I met, who gave me a diamond ring and promised marriage as soon as I finished high school.
Before Christmas that year, I found out I was pregnant. My boyfriend demanded that I get an abortion. It was easier to be pushed into abortion than to fight for my baby, not knowing how I would be able to manage on my own.     
I was pregnant at sixteen.

He went to work and told me to "take care of it". The clinic was filled with other women, some somber, some laughing - all of us going in pregnant and coming out alone. The pain of the procedure was worse than I thought possible. I was crying the whole time. For over an hour afterward I was throwing up, repulsed by what I had just done. I told my boyfriend everything in graphic detail. He cried and told me if he had known how horrible it was, he would have never made me do it...

(Read the rest at

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Real Life Pentecost Experience

My wife Mary and I were visiting our friends Ken and Carol in their house on a Pentecost Sunday.  We went to socialize and we started the visit by breaking open the Bible and reading Acts 2, because that describes the original Pentecost day.

We read the following lines:

"And suddenly there came from the sky
a noise like a strong driving wind,
and it filled the entire house in which they were.
Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire,
which parted and came to rest on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit"
 Then a freaky and wonderful thing happened.  We all heard the wind pick up strength and start blowing suddenly against the house and trees around us...

(Read the rest at

Bill Griffin
Royal Oak, Michigan